Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A la cuisine!

Maybe it's because I am bored and have nothing to do for the moment ( and because I forgot my yoga mat), but I have been cooking a lot lately. I start working tomorrow but I will not be working full time until the Christmas mania is in full swing ... so in about 2 weeks. I am lucky to have gotten a job at an internationally-known toy store. It will be busy.
In the meantime, I have fallen head-over-heals for this cook book that Martin's mother owns. I finally bought it off the internet for a few pennies. It's called "La cuisine bio : cinquante recettes gourmandes au naturel". That plus the book Martin owns that contains many different recipes for madeleines, led me to go a little crazy in the kitchen. On Friday, I made 27 madeleines and yesterday, at Monsieur's request, I spent 3 hours making carrot halva.

1 comment:

  1. Et c'était super bon ^^
    Ce sera quoi la prochaine fois ?
