Sunday, May 22, 2011


Petits pois!


Jardins de l'Évêché

Érable chinois











Nuphar - Nénuphar Jaune

Jardins de l'Évêché

rue de la Boucherie

Banana tree

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Turenne, France

Easter pictures

Easter Egg Hunt

Apparently, we are never too old to do an Easter egg hunt. The youngest person there was 16 and a half (Elise) and yet, Daniel (Martin's father) thought it would be funny to hide chocolate easter eggs all over the garden; in part to see us hunt for them, in part to annoy his brother-in-law. His theory was that if we couldn't find the chocolate eggs that day, they would be found later in an unpleasant manner, i.e. melted chocolate on the window sill squashed when window is opened. His brother-in-law is a clean freak so he followed us around the garden to make sure we found all of them.

Véronique, Léa and Anne

Anne and Jean-Baptiste

Elise and Chloé


Elise is the youngest of Véronique's three daughters. Pauline, the eldest, was in Buenos Aires visiting her sister Lucile who is doing a year abroad there.

T-shirt rayés!!

From left to right: Maylis (Martin's mom), Xavier (the uncle), and Véronique (Martin's aunt). All three are brother and sisters from a family of six. Before them is François, and after them are Dominique and Anne.
I took this picture because we all (Martin, his cousins and I) thought it was funny that they were all wearing striped t-shirts.

Quitterie la danseuse


We went to Bordeaux last Saturday afternoon for Easter, but especially for Martin's aunt's 50th birthday party. For the event, she invited 50 people (18 of which were family) and had a caterer serve the food for the party. There were 32 bottles of champagne, not including the bottles of wine. Sheesh! There were so many people that some of us had to camp out in the backyard.
We finally got an opportunity to try out our tent for the first time. Martin's dad bought us one of those easy pop-up tents for Christmas.
The aunt and uncle have a very nice house in the suburbs (though it's more country-esque) of Bordeaux.
They also have two cats, a fat one and a small one, whom they respectively call "le Gros" et "le Petit".



17th of April, we went to Collonge-la-Rouge. One of the Doctoral students who finished up his thesis last November had told Martin about this beautiful little town, a few km away from Brive-la-Gaillarde (about an hour away from Limoges by car). As you may have noticed, the whole town was made of red brick. The mineral is of course local to the region. The town, like a lot of others near Limoges have been preserved as heritage sites.
At one point during our visit, Martin found some "biere de châtaignes". The "châtaignes" are a popular medieval fruit in the Limousin. Martin decided to buy the beer but there was no ATM to be found. The man at the shop told us that there are strict rules to follow in a preserved town, especially in Collonge-la-Rouge, thus an ATM machine might be considered not esthetically pleasing. He said if there were one, it would have to be covered in red brick like the rest of the town. Of course.
Martin paid by cheque.